Cricket Festival

On Wednesday we went to the cricket festival and played against south new Brighton Catholic.

First my group got to do free play and then we played a cricket game against the other teams.

I got to bowl and hit the ball.

Me and Ashley went around the wickets 5 times.

I found it hard to run and get the ball from a far distance.


Life Education

On Friday last week and Tuesday this week we went to the Life Education Truck.

We watched a video called Charlie the train conductor, it was about how our body’s work, it was really fun.

I learnt that my heart is the shape of my fist. My blood is blue without oxygen and with oxygen it is red.

Do you know how veins work?



Dragon Eyes 


On Friday afternoons, we do Action Stations. This term, I chose to make Dragon Eyes.


First, we read some descriptions of dragons and identified their characteristics.

Then we completed a planning sheet, considering what we wanted our dragon to be like. We thought about personality, colour and features.

I decided I wanted my dragon to be fluffy and have strips and it is pink, also is nice and a girl.

After, we used the clay. I had to push the clay into a eye shape. I used a little bit of water to smooth it out.I used my thingers. 

Finally, we painted them.